We have started to utilise Twitter spaces as we enhance the ways that we are able to discuss the market, without the need for you to sit and read through mountains of data. To listen (On Twitter) to my latest thoughts on Kantar data and the changes at Tesco also, please click here. (Twitter link). It's a 30 minute listen! I hope to add a Q&A functionality to this and for our members (details below) I will be adding a quarterly virtual presentation on the market and the events within, too. For...
about 3 years ago • 1 min read
Good Afternoon: For December 7th, we have our badvent focus on the practice of hanging planograms on the shelf itself, ahead of relay. There's nothing wrong with it, inherently it makes sense. However; leaving them in situ, sometimes throughout the trading day? No. Take them down please. (Whatever happened to the AM walkaround?) For help with your business challenges in 2022, don't waste time working things out, get our trusted perspective, today.
over 3 years ago • 1 min read
Good Morning, Rather than send over the weekend, we will roll up the advent calendar on a Monday to ensure that you see each day / improvement point. If you follow on Twitter then you'll see these updates anyway, but nonetheless, an email makes things easier because the content is all there for review, rather than having to remember to save the post, or similar. The purpose of #badvent is not to highlight issues, or showcase an image, indeed the imagery is purely for illustrative purposes, we...
over 3 years ago • 1 min read
Good afternoon; Our "Badvent" calendar is now live with the 1st of December marking the start of advent, after all. Last year, you may recall we ran a "Retail's best" advent calendar that focused on the very best from our huge store visit programme and best practice image portal. Wegmans comfortably makes it in to our top 25 stores/retailers. We rolled those up in to 25 of the best stores that we had visited, it was a popular campaign and it was good to showcase the "best of" retail for a...
over 3 years ago • 1 min read
Join our subscriber service today This email is a sample from our "retail by email" service which is distributed to subscribers 1-2 times per week. Our emails follow a simple format of imagery, insight and key takeaways, from one of the leading authorities on grocery retailing. To subscribe, please click the button above to join and receive our market leading insight, direct to your email. Mere - Austerity Retailing - Sample email Key Takeaways 1) Mere will have a place in UK retail, given...
over 3 years ago • 4 min read
June is flying, the weather is great for sales in retail and the hope is that the ongoing positive news, despite variants, will see us exit further restrictions in the coming weeks re: COVID-19. Hopefully, we are over the worst, despite the negative headlines. Retail, like hospitality and so many other sectors has been battered by the issues with COVID19 and there has to be light at the end of the tunnel, we hope(!) For the trade plan; warm weather is good news and the lack of overseas travel...
almost 4 years ago • 7 min read
After the first half of our visit, I also considered the baby and toy categories within the John Lewis store. Baby was a huge opportunity, given that Mothercare went west (because of fundamental mismanagement rather than people not having babies anymore), there is an ever growing gap for a mainstream retailer to be half decent at Baby. Indeed; the John Lewis brand is such that it's trusted and with a small baby, trust is everything. Absolutely everything. Quite why you'd add "everyday" in to...
almost 4 years ago • 8 min read
This is a sample of the insight report that was sent out to our subscribers earlier today. Part 2 of our visit is tomorrow: The rest of the email features 25+ images detailing the issues we found when visiting the store; with challenges around trading, merchandising, store standards and general retailing as a whole. Our subscribers get part 2 tomorrow, this contains the Baby category, which was an absolute disaster, from start to finish. To join in and receive this email, and others like it,...
almost 4 years ago • 5 min read
Hi all, This week, we're talking about scarcity in retailing and how it's a bad thing to run out of product. Quite rightly too given availability targets and how we must ensure that c. 97% of products are in stock on any given day. However it's also not conducive to retailing great products, there has to be an appreciation by customers that things do sometimes run out. Drive some awareness and anticipation, a true "when it's gone, it's gone". Perhaps there is appreciation and retailers are...
almost 4 years ago • 5 min read