Good Afternoon:
For December 7th, we have our badvent focus on the practice of hanging planograms on the shelf itself, ahead of relay.
There's nothing wrong with it, inherently it makes sense.
However; leaving them in situ, sometimes throughout the trading day?
No. Take them down please.
(Whatever happened to the AM walkaround?)
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We have started to utilise Twitter spaces as we enhance the ways that we are able to discuss the market, without the need for you to sit and read through mountains of data. To listen (On Twitter) to my latest thoughts on Kantar data and the changes at Tesco also, please click here. (Twitter link). It's a 30 minute listen! I hope to add a Q&A functionality to this and for our members (details below) I will be adding a quarterly virtual presentation on the market and the events within, too. For...
We have started to utilise Twitter spaces as we enhance the ways that we are able to discuss the market, without the need for you to sit and read through mountains of data. To listen (On Twitter) to my latest thoughts on Kantar data and the changes at Tesco also, please click here. (Twitter link). It's a 30 minute listen! I hope to add a Q&A functionality to this and for our members (details below) I will be adding a quarterly virtual presentation on the market and the events within, too. For...
Good Morning, Rather than send over the weekend, we will roll up the advent calendar on a Monday to ensure that you see each day / improvement point. If you follow on Twitter then you'll see these updates anyway, but nonetheless, an email makes things easier because the content is all there for review, rather than having to remember to save the post, or similar. The purpose of #badvent is not to highlight issues, or showcase an image, indeed the imagery is purely for illustrative purposes, we...